Anti-Slavery Policy
Modern Slavery and Ethical Statement
This statement sets out Haier Biomedical UK Limited’s understanding of potential modern slavery risks related to its business and the steps we have put in place to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business and our supply chains.
Company structure
Haier Biomedical UK Ltd is part of Haier Biomedical, a global life science equipment manufacturer. We specialise in the design, manufacture, supply and maintenance of temperature-controlled equipment and complementary laboratory equipment. Haier Biomedical supports this portfolio with a highly qualified customer-focused team and a very experienced service department.
Due diligence processes
We have:
- Made our staff aware of the Modern Slavery Act, including its definitions of slavery and human trafficking;
- Told staff what to do if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking;
- Contacted suppliers and partners in potentially higher-risk categories to check what assurance arrangements they have in place;
- Commenced a revision of our procurement contracts and related documents to include prohibitions in respect of slavery and human trafficking and compliance with the legislation; and
- Reviewed our Whistleblowing Policy.
The above procedures are designed to:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our business and supply chains.
- Reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains.
- Monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chains.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31/3/23.
Ethical Trading
Haier Biomedical UK Ltd is committed to ensuring our suppliers are abiding by international ethical trading standards encompassing at least the below statements:
- Employment is freely chosen; there is freedom of association with the right to collective bargaining; working conditions are safe and hygienic; no child labour shall be used; the UK minimum living wages are paid with no excessive working hours; no discrimination is practised.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
This Document we created: 08/04/2021
This document was last reviewed: 01/04/2023
This document will be reviewed: 30/03/2024